Cycle the World Virtually with Google Street View

Byron Kidd
1 minute read
Researchers in Japan have created a Virtual Cycling system that allows stationary cyclists virtually cycle any city in the world using Google maps Street View technology.

Purpose built hardware connected to the stationary bicycle sends data to a computer which then updates the street view imagery at a rate which matches the cyclists speed. Helmet sensors allow the rider to turn left or right, and in a nice touch a fan blows harder as the cyclists speed increases.  While currently not a feature yet, using topography data from Google maps it would be possible to make pedaling harder up virtual hills.

Currently there is no launch date or pricing for the Virtual Cycling System.

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  1. Well, that's a very neat concept. I'll have to keep an eye on developments. Hopefully their sensor hardware won't be specific to a particular model of stationary bike.

  2. why not just drive bike outside

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