Treadlie - Bike Magazine

Byron Kidd
2 minute read
I've been hearing a lot of good things about Treadlie Magazine out of Melbourne, Australia for a long, long time. In a round about kind way I came to posses a paper copy of an earlier issue not long ago and must say I'm thoroughly impressed by this magazine.

Treadlie was launched in December 2010 and focuses on style, fashion, design and the passion that bikes inspire in people. It contains interviews and profiles of designers, artists, writers, stylists, musicians, poets, all of whom have a strong love of bicycles and cycling. In recent issues they've run features on artisans re-invigorating the handmade bicycle industry, collectors, DIY and all aspects of bicycle design and craft. The popular Treadlie St section features interviews with and photographs of people and their bikes spotted on streets worldwide.
There are very few magazines that I read cover to cover. Usually I'll flip backwards and forwards cherry picking the most appealing articles which leaves a lot of the magazine unread. With Treadlie, all the articles were of equally exceptional quality and proved such entertaining reading that I abandoned the cherry picking approach and simply read the issue from front to back. When you read a magazine in that fashion you realise just how much good content is crammed into each issue.

I do love a paper magazine, but they tend to pile up and once read they're rarely read again. That's why I've subscribed the electronic edition in my iPad, not only are the visuals stunning on the new Retina display, but having back issues always on hand means those back issues do actually get re-read, and shown to others.

Treadlie is available from newsagents and bike and design shops all over Australia and NZ as well as some newsagents internationally. Subscription can be done via the Treadlie website Treadlie is also available on the iPad via the Apple Newsstand where you can either subscribe or buy individual issues. For a short time, Issue 4 is available as a free download!

You can also follow @Treadlie on twitter.

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