The Trail Store - My New Favorite Place

Byron Kidd
I needed some SPD pedals for the second-hand Cannondale I bought at Suginami Green Cycle. But when you've paid just Y18,000 for an entire bike its hard to part with Y10,000 for a pair of pedals.

On the way home from work on Friday I swung by The Trail Store, where I had bought some shorts and a saddle a week earlier. After locking my bike in the rack provided I strolled inside and was instantly greeted with a smile and a "Hey, how do you like that new saddle?". Right away I felt at home.

We shot the breeze for a while before getting down to the business.

"What kind of SPD's do you have?", I inquired.

"Not many I'm afraid, just these ones that have a platform as well.", was the reply.

"Oh the platform is fine, they're for a cheaper bike I ride in normal shoes, but would just get more use out of it if I had SPD's.", I explained.

Now the pedals he had pulled from the glass cabinet were a staggering Y9,000, and I didn't really want to go there for a Y18,000 bike. Faced with a lack of options, I was prepared to get these for my Giant and put the Giant pedals on the Cannondale, but was hoping for something cheaper. Without a word a second staff member began rummaging around in some packaging behind the counter and came out with some Shimano SPD's with a plastic platform.

"How about these, they're a lot cheaper." he beamed.

"Perfect, I'll need a wrench too." Deal done.

He comes back with a wrench and a pair of SDP cleats. "Here take these cleats as a gift." he tells me.


Here is what I got at the Trail Store, I got recognized when I walked in and was treated warmly. I got listened to and I got understanding. With just the mention that I was buying parts for my second bike the staff understood that Y9,000 pedals weren't what I was looking for and went out of their way to find something cheaper. Then, in addition to all this, I got a Y1,300 set of cleats for free. All this on only my second visit.

The Trail Store in Setagaya is my new favorite bike store.

The Trail Store
Phone: 03-3411-4702
Hours: 11:00am - 8:00pm
Closed: Wednesday

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