Tokyo by Bike

Byron Kidd
We've all seen images of public transport in Tokyo.

We've seen images of people packed so tight into rush hour trains that they're pressed flat against the glass, their faces all deformed and barely able to breathe. We've seen the white gloved platform attendants ensure that no train leaves the platform at less than 120% capacity. When you find yourself in one of those images for the first time its quite a laugh, when you find yourself in these images daily the comic value begins to fade.

I imagine sharing stories of your experiences on public transport in Japan would provide an endless stream of humorous content for a blog. Someone should get onto that idea because its not the topic of this blog, no our blog is all about cycling in Tokyo. Commuting, exploring, or just popping out to the supermarket on the trusty mama-chari, any topic is fare game.

With a bit of experience up my sleeve cycling in and around Tokyo I've learned the odd trick, avoided the odd accident, and seen the odd, occasionally extremely odd, thing or two. I'd like to use this blog to share some of those stories, tips and general observations with everyone, but what I am really hoping is that my writings will encourage others visiting or living in Tokyo, to get off the train and start exploring the vibrant city of Tokyo by bicycle.

You'll be surprised at what you'll discover when you travel around Tokyo by bike.

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